Wednesday, 25 June 2014

2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt

I'm taking part in this brilliant Photography Scavenger Hunt that I was told about by my friend Susi.

You can find it here is you'd like to join in.

So far I have found

No. 2;  A Garden Gnome, some gnomes in a shop window in town.

No. 9; A Bakery, I pass this Bakery in Ardingly when I take my daughter to her new job in Sharpthorne.

No. 17; A Lampost, in our town, Burgess Hill, and a bonus Owl on the top.

No 10; A photo bomb!!! I popped up in my daughters prom photo!!!!


  1. Great photos, Linds. I love that last one especially! LOL
    Sue x

  2. Great entries for the scavenger hunt and I love the photo bomb one, I must check out Lauren's see if I can find one there? Love the gnomes x


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