Monday, 12 August 2013


George and I have taken up Geocaching.

For more info about the subject click here. We haven't been away this summer as I have been working, to get us out and about I got the geocache app after doing a few without it to see if we liked it.  Well we love it, we've found 9 so far and have had a lot of fun out and about in our local area. The good thing is they are country and world wide so we could do it anywhere we happen to be.


 Our first find.                                                                      Searching for a cache.

Investigating a cache.

               We are going to leave Lego bricks or Lego footballs in there as our trademark thing!!!
                                                 Very well hidden, but we got there in the end.

                     I have made a tag book to record our finds, I decided on a tag book so that I can                                                    add to it as we find more, I've already added 2 more pages since I                                                                                                       took the photo!!!

Friday, 2 August 2013

Sues August Challenge

Here is the Lo I have done for my friends Sues challenge, the photo is of my Great Nanas Sister and her Husband in their bathing costumes, I love these photos.